Contact our Freshman Counselors

Our freshman admissions counselors are here to assist you and answer any questions you may have about the U of M. We would love to get to know you better, so contact us at any time! Use the links below to find your admissions counselor’s name and contact information.

Search By Undergraduate College - Our freshman-admitting colleges have admissions counselors who work with students interested in the programs and areas of study they offer.

Search by State - Contact an admissions counselor who works with your state or geographic location.

Search by Race / Ethnicity - Connect with an admissions counselor who works specifically with communities of color and/or who shares your ethnic or cultural background. (Search options available under "Counselor Type")

Minnesota High Schools - Reach out to your high school's individual admissions counselor

Andrew Kroska
Andrew Kroska
Midwest U.S. Recruitment Coordinator & Kansas and Missouri Regional Freshman Admissions Counselor
Avery Fessler
Avery Fessler
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) Freshman Admissions Counselor
Brandon Turner
Brandon Turner
Southern U.S. Recruitment Coordinator & Texas Regional Freshman Admissions Counselor
Chris Hoffman
Northeast U.S. Recruitment Coordinator & New York and New Jersey Regional Freshman Admissions Counselor
Eddie Rodriguez
Eddie Rodriguez
College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) Freshman Admissions Counselor
Greta Mittelstaedt
Greta Middelstaedt
School of Nursing Freshman Admissions Counselor
Isabella Forliti
Isabella Forliti
Greater Minnesota Freshman Admissions Counselor (East)
Jordan Lock
Jordan Lock
Southeast U.S. Recruitment Coordinator & District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia Senior Freshman Admissions Counselor
Kayleigh Mital
Kayleigh Mital
Assistant Director of National Recruitment; Pacific Northwest U.S. Recruitment Coordinator
Kelly Delgado
Kelly Delgado
Hispanic, Chicanx, & Latinx Recruitment Coordinator & Freshman Admissions Counselor
Kenzie Strons
Kenzie Strons
Assistant Director of College Access & Community Partnerships
Leah Hailu
African and African American Recruitment Coordinator & Freshman Admissions Counselor
Linh Hoang
Linh Hoang
College of Biological Sciences (CBS) Freshman Admissions Counselor
Luke Miller
Luke Miller
Associate Freshman Admissions Counselor
Mitchell Walstad
Twin Cities Metro and Wisconsin Freshman Admissions Counselor (North and East TC)
Nick Hervatin
Nick Hervatin
Illinois Recruitment Coordinator & Freshman Admissions Counselor
Pachia Thao
Pachia Thao
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Senior Freshman Admissions Counselor
Race Cleveland
Race Cleveland
Carlson School of Management (CSOM) Freshman Admissions Counselor
Shannon Anderson
Shannon Anderson
Greater Minnesota Freshman Admissions Counselor (West)