Cost of Attendance

What is "cost of attendance?"

When planning for college expenses, you will want to consider "cost of attendance," which is the sum of tuition and fees, housing, and personal expenses (which range from textbooks to travel to toothpaste). When you apply for financial aid, the University will use this "cost of attendance" figure when calculating your financial aid package. This ensures you are aware of all financial aid resources available to you to assist with college expenses. Get more information about financial aid

What are the tuition and fees at the U of M?

The tuition and fees listed below cover one academic year (two semesters) of enrollment. The figures below are for the 2024-25 academic year and are shared for planning purposes. As is the case with most public colleges and universities, tuition and fees for each fall are estimated in the spring prior and finalized in July prior to classes starting. For expanded cost of attendance information, please visit the University's One Stop Website.

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2024-2025 Cost of Attendance

Note: the exact cost of attendance varies slightly from student to student based on college of enrollment and courses taken.


Twin Cities UndergraduatesCommuter

Resident 1 (includes ND, WI, Manitoba 2)

Residence Hall or Apartment 

Non-resident 3

Residence Hall or Apartment

Tuition & Fees 4$17,370$17,370$38,518
Book & Supplies$1,000$1,000$1,000
Housing & Food 4$5,736$13,856$13,856
Personal/Misc 5$2,000$2,000$2,000
Loan Fee$150$150$150


(add an average of $1,824 if you are living off campus)

$26,456$34,576$57,224 *
Surcharge for CSOM students and CSE students 6$2,720$2,720$2,720
Total with CSOM/CSE surcharge$29,176$37,296$59,944


  1. Resident definition: Students attending the U of M from Minnesota*, Wisconsin, North Dakota, or Manitoba, Canada. *The U of M defines residency as those who: 1) Are permanently residing in Minnesota, or 2) Have been continuously present in the state of Minnesota for at least one calendar year prior to the first day of class attendance at the U of M. During that time the student may not attend any other Minnesota post-secondary educational institution.
  2. Manitoba students should see the international student costs for estimated fees and mandatory insurance.
  3. Non-resident definition: Students attending the U of M, but are not from Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, or Manitoba, Canada. If you are an international student, see the international full cost of attendance.
  4. Final housing and fees are estimates and will be determined in the summer of 2024 by the Board of Regents.
  5. Many students keep their miscellaneous expenses below this figure by spending responsibly.
  6. Students enrolled in the Carlson School of Management (CSOM) and College of Science and Engineering (CSE) will be charged an additional $1,360 per semester tuition surcharge to maintain innovative classrooms and laboratories.

   * If you are an international student, see the international full cost of attendance.

Free credits after 13

Each semester, every credit after 13 is free of charge, keeping costs down for families and helping students achieve graduation in four years. (Students typically take 15-16 credits each semester, or 120 credits over four years.)

Residency and Reciprocity

If there is uncertainty about whether you are considered a Minnesota resident, review the Residency, Reciprocity, and Tuition Exemption booklet. The booklet contains the University's official policy and an application for resident evaluation.

The University has reciprocity agreements with Wisconsin, North Dakota, and the province of Manitoba, Canada. If you are a resident of any of these states or provinces, you may qualify for reciprocity tuition rates that are lower than nonresident tuition rates and, in some cases, comparable to resident rates. You must apply for reciprocity.