International Baccalaureate Course Awards

Some high schools offer courses through the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. The University of Minnesota Twin Cities offers students who earn qualifying scores in (IB) subjects a head start on their University education.

Students in IB programs may receive up to eight semester credits at the University of Minnesota for each higher-level (HL) subject passed with a grade of five or higher. Specific credit awards for each higher-level (HL) subject are outlined below.

We encourage IB students to earn the full IB diploma.

  • Those who earn the full IB diploma with 30 or more diploma points may receive up to eight semester credits for each higher level (HL) subject with grades of five or higher and
  • IB students may receive up to two semester credits for some standard level subjects with grades of five or higher.*

The University of Minnesota's IB practices—including scores accepted, credits awarded, and requirements fulfilled—are subject to change.

Area/TestScoreAwardLiberal Education Award
Art HL5-74 Credits in ARTS 1999 and 4 credits in ARTS 1001Arts/Humanities requirement
Biology HL5-74 credits in Biology 1009 (General Biology)Biological Sciences/lab requirement
Business Management HL5-74 credits in MGMT 1999No Liberal Education requirement awarded
Chemistry HL5-73 credits in CHEM 1061, 3 credits in CHEM 1062, 1 credit in CHEM Lab 1065, and 1 credit in CHEM Lab 1066Physical Sciences/lab requirement
Computer Science HL5-74 credits in CSCI 1103 and 4 credits in CSCI 1999No Liberal Education requirement awarded
Economics HL5-74 credits in ECON 1101 and 4 credits in ECON 11022 Social Sciences core requirements
English Language & Literature HL5-74 credits WRIT 1301 and 4 credits in ENGL 1999Literature requirement & First-year Writing requirement
English A Literature HL5-78 credits in ENGL 1999Literature requirement
History HL5-78 credits in HIST 1999Historical Perspectives requirement & Global Perspectives requirement
Information Global Technology HL5-74 credits in CSCI 1001No Liberal Education requirement awarded
Math HL Applications & Interpretation5-74 credits in MATH 1271 and 4 credits in STAT 3011Mathematical Thinking requirement
Math HL Analysis & Approaches5-74 credits in MATH 1271 and 4 credits in MATH 1272Mathematical Thinking requirement
Physics HL5-74 credits PHYS 1301 and 4 credits in PHYS 1302Physical Sciences/lab requirement
Psychology HL5-74 credits PSY 1001 and PSY 1999Social Sciences requirement
Other Subjects HL5-7Contact the Office of AdmissionsContact the Office of Admissions

Information is current as of September 2024

*SL credit is granted ONLY if a student completes a full IB diploma of 30 points or more. No credit is awarded for SL classes alone. SL credit is granted for these courses: biology (2), chemistry (4), computer science (2), economics (2), English languages and literature (2), English literature (2), film studies, (2), geography (4), history (2), information technology (4), literature and performance (2), and psychology (2). No credit is granted for SL math or math studies.

Course numbers 1999 indicate blanket credit in the subject matter area at the freshman-sophomore level; other numbers are those of specific courses for which students may be granted credit.

Transfer credit for IB second language courses, HL or SL, is not awarded. For information on how to earn credit for second language courses at the University of Minnesota, go to, send an email to [email protected], or call 612-624-0862.

For more information about International Baccalaureate and the University of Minnesota, contact the Office of Admissions.