Students are admitted to the University of Minnesota based on the information they self-report in their admission application. This page describes the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Office of Admissions policy and for submitting a final high school transcript and the importance of senior year grades.
Because strong academic preparation through the senior year of high school enhances the likelihood of student's academic success, it is the policy of the University of Minnesota that students must meet the following conditions before they are eligible to enroll:
- Graduate from high school or pass the GED (or the equivalent) before fall semester begins.
- Successfully complete the courses listed on their application as "to be completed during the senior year."
- Submit an official ACT or SAT test score *
*Only for students who chose to self-report an ACT or SAT score as part of their application. Please note, freshman applicants through the fall 2025 term are not required to submit an ACT or SAT score.
In order to verify that students have met these enrollment requirements, they must have their final high school transcript, including date of graduation, submitted to the Office of Admissions by the July 1 deadline. If students chose to have an ACT or SAT score reviewed as part of their application, they must submit an official test score from the testing agency by the July 1 deadline.
Related information:
How important are my senior year grades?
Senior year courses and grades are very important, and are considered when making admission decisions. After final transcripts are received, we review each student’s senior year coursework and grades to confirm completion and that student performance during the senior year is consistent with the academic performance at the time of application. Changes in senior year coursework may result in a change to the student’s college of admission. Unsuccessful completion of senior year coursework and/or a significant decline in academic performance during the senior year will result in reconsideration of the admission decision and may result in the cancellation of admission.
If you are making changes to your senior year courses, or are experiencing declining grades in your courses, you must consult with an admissions counselor right away at 612-625-2008 or 1-800-752-1000.
Please note, the U of M will not penalize students for changes made to school district grading systems due to COVID-19 and remote learning
What is the University of Minnesota's policy for verifying self-reported information?
These official documents are carefully reviewed against the Self-Reported Academic Record. If the Academic Record is deemed inaccurate, the University of Minnesota may change the college of admission or cancel admission, regardless of whether the inaccuracy was intentional or accidental. Admission to the University Honors Program and merit-based scholarships may also be affected.
How is this policy communicated to applicants?
When a student submits a University of Minnesota Twin Cities application for admission, they are required to acknowledge and sign the following statement:
"My submission indicates that this Academic Record is complete, factually correct, and honestly prepared. I have not omitted or modified information. I understand that withholding information requested on this application, or providing false information, can result in a change in my admission decision. I understand this change could include a change in my college of admission, cancellation of my admission or registration, or dismissal from the U of M if I have already enrolled. I understand that if I am admitted and I confirm my enrollment to the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, I will be required to submit my official high school transcript with graduation date, and my official test score(s) sent directly from the testing agency. I agree to notify the Office of Admissions if there are any changes to the information provided in my application."
What are the University of Minnesota's expectations for the self-reported information?
You must be accurate.
- You should have a copy of your unofficial transcript in hand when completing the Self-Reported Academic Record to ensure that information is entered fully and accurately.
- If your school issues final official grades at the end of each year, you must enter that grade.
- If your school issues official grades by term or semester, you must list each course with its final grade by term or semester. List the same course twice if repeated in a different term. Give the final grade for each term if that is how it is shown on your year-end final transcript.
- Course names should be entered exactly as they appear on your transcript.
- Notes for international applicants: You must have your secondary transcript and exam results, with English translations, with you when you complete the Academic Record.
You must be complete.
- You must report all coursework taken in grades 9-12 as well as courses taken in earlier grades if those courses are being used to fulfill high school graduation requirements. Courses may not be omitted from the Academic Record.
- If you are a high school senior, you will list your "in-progress" 12th grade courses for those that are not yet graded.
You must be honest.
- Do not adjust your grades in any manner. Do not weight grades. Do not average or convert them. They must be entered exactly as shown on your transcript.
- Do not misrepresent course levels. Course titles and levels must be entered exactly as shown on your transcript.
- Notes for international applicants: If you are an international student and your classes include courses taken outside of the United States, make sure to enter the information from the transcript where you received the credit. Do not use any international coursework reported on a U.S. transcript.
Prior to enrolling at the U of M, admitted students are required to submit a final, official high school transcript with graduation date directly from the high school.
What are the University of Minnesota's expectations for the self-reporting test scores?
Students should report their highest composite or total scores and the associated subscores from the same testing agency and test date on the Self-Reported Academic Record. However, students will be given the opportunity to list any or all of their tests taken.
Do not "superscore" your tests. The form will ask you to indicate your overall score and subscores from a single testing date. Prior to enrollment, admitted students are required to submit official test scores directly from the testing agency. Official results, including composite (or total) scores and subscores, must match the information provided in the applicant's Academic Record. If an applicant has self-reported more than one test score, the highest overall composite (or total) and associated subscores must be verified by the appropriate testing agency.
Note for international applicants who are non-native English speakers: Students who report multiple English proficiency exam scores will also need to report the highest score from each exam type. (See our frequently asked questions for examples and further details.)
Please note, freshman applicants for Fall 2022 admission are not required to submit an ACT or SAT test score.
Do all reported test scores need to be verified?
When making an admission decision, the Office of Admissions reviews the highest overall score that was self-reported. Students must submit the official score from the agency for the highest composite or total score and associated subscores. The University of Minnesota may request additional official scores during the score verification process; if additional self-reported scores need to be verified, the student will be notified.
What if a student makes an honest mistake or typo when completing the Academic Record?
We ask that students reference a printed unofficial transcript to minimize any typos or errors. Misrepresentation or inaccurate entry of information in the Academic Record may be grounds for a change in the admission decision. These situations may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Pattern of inaccuracy: A student submits an Academic Record with a pattern of repeated inconsistencies.
- Omission of courses or grades: A student reports only a portion of the courses taken. For example, a course that was taken twice is only reported once.
- Self-weighting: A student reports a higher grade or score for an advanced-level course than what was reflected on the transcript.
- Single significant error: A student misreports a score or letter grade that has a significant bearing on the admission decision. Our admissions committee will review final transcripts and test scores in comparison to self-reported information. Students may or may not be asked to provide an explanation for inconsistencies.
Typos determined to be unintentional may still be grounds for a change in the admission decision. For example, a student who inadvertently reports a high school rank of 10/100 but is actually 100/100 will need to be re-reviewed and the admission decision may be changed. Applicants whose admission is changed or rescinded will be notified in writing prior to enrollment.
Can an admission cancellation [or change of college] decision be appealed?
An applicant may appeal the cancellation of admission or a change in the college of admission by submitting an appeal to the Appeals Committee within seven calendar days of the date of notice of cancellation. The appeal must include relevant information as to why the cancellation or change in college of admission is inappropriate. Any supporting documentation that has direct bearing on the matter must be included. The Appeals Committee will review and determine the outcome of the appeal.